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GenealogyClassBlog » welcome

Welcome Students

January 8th, 2009 Posted in Conversation | Comments Off

Welcome, former students and friends, to my new blog!

I wanted a place to post the interesting news and tips that I can’t share when there is no class in session. Of course, when class is in session, not all of my students can attend, and so I’d like a place to communicate what I’ve found or what I’d like to pass along. This blog will be like a bulletin board in the sense that you can come check it to see what is new. Sometimes it’ll be more like a chalkboard, where I can write what I’m trying to teach.

I’d like to hear from you about what you’ve been doing to continue the pursuit of your family’s history. I hope that you’ll want to leave a comment, but I have two reservations. First, this blogging is new to me and I’m not sure how much of a problem I’ll have with spam comments. I’ve set up the blog so that I can moderate the comments before they appear on the blog, so you won’t see your comment until I’ve had a chance to ok it (a little like grading papers).

My second reservation is that I don’t think I’ll be able to respond to all of the comments. I hope you won’t be discouraged from writing comments. Your comments will be just as much for the other readers of this blog as they will be for me — just as we did in class.

You may remember from class that I like to inform as well as to instruct. There are things happening in the broad genealogy community and in Tulsa and in Oklahoma, just since the most recent genealogy class at Boston Avenue ended on November 4, 2008. I look forward to having a cyberclass with whom to share things I hear, read, or learn.

I hope you can come back again and again.

Best Regards,
